John Seetoo
John Seetoo has been an investment banker, a Wall Street bond trader, and an alternative finance consultant for both private and public companies ranging in industry from entertainment, biotech, energy, biometric and Homeland security to commodities and real estate, and in scope from private and microcaps to Fortune 500 level corporations.
Mr. Seetoo’s investment banking specialty has been in small cap and microcap private placements, as well as mezzanine, PIPE, M&A and private equity finance. He has participated in bringing a number of corporations to the public markets both in the US and abroad, as well as in organizing market maker support and other resources for existing public companies. During his tenure on Wall Street, he was Director of Corporate and Municipal Bond Trading for a NYSE member firm for seven (7) years, and was quoted on several occasions by Bloomberg News on Asian markets and Long Bond interest rate fluctuation trends.
He is presently a special consultant to Gatekeeper USA, Inc.,a Homeland Security and maritime/cargo based security company that markets and sells proprietary Container Security Initiative compliant and anti-piracy product solutions. Additionally, he has consulted to a Foreign Exchange platform with particular proficiencies in trading the Chinese Yuan.
In January, 2012, Mr. Seetoo joined the Board of Millenium Men Records/EMI Music, which has a track record of productions including The Black Eyed Peas, Mary J, Blige and Rihanna. His interview also appeared in the January, 2012 issue of IAIR Alternative Investment Magazine of Italy, which queried him on his thoughts concerning Media, Commodity and Homeland Security as alternative investment sectors.
Mr. Seetoo has been active in the Secondary Market Life Settlement Policy arena for several years, structuring LSP modifications for sinking fund and hedging applications, in addition to portfolio enhancement.
In addition, he has been a consultant in providing import/export, project and feature film & music entertainment finance services. He previously co-produced and served as Director of Photography for The Source of Power, a French-American financed action/comedy that premiered at Cannes, and contributed sound mix engineering for the Oscar nominated documentary, A Life Apart.
Mr. Seetoo's recorded music performances and production credits include the 2007 Stellar Award nominated Testimony: 1 Lyrics 4 Life by gospel hip-hop artist, Joe L. Da Vessel, The Art of Protest, by Canadian singer-songwriter Terry Watada, Bienvenue, by the French rock band Laser (featuring Didier Hubert),The Source of Power title song soundtrack, and Nekron 99: Commercial Success E.P., on Incognito Records in Stuttgart, Germany.
Mr. Seetoo’s investment banking/alternative finance consultation practice includes past and present clients such as: The Baron Group (HK/US), Gatekeeper USA, Inc. (US), Seiko Epson (Japan), International Transportation Networks Group, (Shenzhen Zhenghua Group - China), LBS Asia Management (Singapore/US), Moonlight Music Group, Infomedics, Inc.., ELR Technologies, Ajene Watson, LLC, National Asset Group, and Bionetrix (all US).
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Topic: MBAA Q&A with John Seetoo
Time: Oct 13, 2022 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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